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From the September 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

EVERYONE likes to feel that he is contributing something worth while to his environment; and this is natural, for such aspiration is based on a spiritual fact, the fact that every idea in God's universe is necessary, worthy, and productive of good.

Men and women who are ignorant of man's unchanging status as the image and likeness, or reflection, of God often seem to be driven by such ungodly thoughts as selfinterest, pride, competition, and fear as they seek to find a place where they can be useful.

What does the inspired Word of the Bible say on this point? The seeker for truth may turn to the first chapter of Genesis, which portrays the seven days of creation and affords enlightenment and inspiration in all things pertaining to spiritual unfoldment. Christian Science reveals that this progressive unfoldment is exemplified in human experience as satisfactory progress in all right activities. A study of the spiritual record of creation (Gen. 1: 1-2:5) together with the chapter on Genesis in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy makes known with increasing clarity the fact that creation scientifically considered is the revelation, or the appearing, of God and His ideas.

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