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Testimonies of Healing

I experienced my first healing in Christian Science...

From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I experienced my first healing in Christian Science during the influenza epidemic of 1919. I was then living in my parents' home whilst my husband served abroad in the Army. Several members of the household became victims of the sickness, and one morning I developed its symptoms. I was expecting a baby, and because I had been told that the birth of the child might be jeopardized, I became very fearful. Up to this time I had read very little of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. My mother had taken up the study of this Science and had been greatly benefited. Apparently my thought was full of the arguments invariably put up by mortal mind against the approach of spiritual enlightenment. I suddenly realized I must rise above them and overcome fear, so I asked my mother again to lend me her copy of Science and Health. I lay in bed and read it for hours. In two days I was well. I had begun to realize something of our beloved Leader's inspired teaching.

When my baby was born, I had great help from Christian Science. The child was born at night, unexpectedly, before either doctor or nurse could reach my home. My own childhood nurse did what was humanly necessary, earning my deep gratitude. As I can now realize, however, it was the sustaining truth of "the scientific statement of being" from our textbook (p. 468) which exalted me, so that the birth took place smoothly, without mishap either to myself or to the baby. During this experience I was greatly helped by my mother's consecrated reading aloud to me from Science and Health.

In the years that ensued, to the outbreak of World War II, whilst experiencing much opposition in my devotion to Christian Science, I am most thankful to say that Love's rod and staff were ever my comfort. Many blessings came to me, above all that of happy family life.

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