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Testimonies of Healing

I have waited too long to express my...

From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have waited too long to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science and all that it has done for me and my family.

About twenty-one years ago I had a desire to get nearer to God and felt that the religion I was following did not help me much in this respect. Shortly after this I became the victim of the fear of heredity and contracted tuberculosis, from which my mother had passed on. In accordance with employment regulations I had to submit to a medical test and was pronounced unfit for work, and my employer informed me that in the interests of the company he would be obliged to dismiss me.

My wife and I prayed earnestly to God for help and guidance, and I was led to go to one who was, unknown to me, a student of Christian Science. He spoke to me very lovingly and cheerfully and gave me a copy of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, requesting me to study it and give Christian Science a trial, adding that it would be my salvation. I took the book home and began studying it and found that this Science was just what I had been seeking. My thought was so uplifted that the cough I had been troubled with disappeared whilst I read the book. I asked for help from a practitioner, and my progress continued; and when another medical test was given, I was pronounced fit for work. I was, however, advised not to remain in Bengal, as the dampness of the climate would bring a recurrence within six months. This fear was also overcome, and I have continued to live and work here.

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