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Testimonies of Healing

In the Manual of The Mother Church...

From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. XVII, Sect. 2) Mrs. Eddy says, "Gratitude and love should abide in every heart each day of all the years." Because I am deeply grateful for all Christian Science has done for me and my family, I am sending this testimony with the hope that it may help someone as I have been helped so many times by reading the testimonies in our periodicals.

Many years ago I was healed of influenza by reading a passage from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy. I had been helping to care for one who had been in bed several weeks with influenza and was under the doctor's care. I knew practically nothing about working metaphysically in Christian Science. I offered to stay nights with the sufferer because his wife could not be up day and night. In less than a week I came down with the same disease. One morning I picked up Science and Health and opened it to page 435 and read: "Watching beside the couch of pain in the exercise of a love that 'is the fulfilling of the law.'—doing 'unto others as ye would that they should do unto you,'—this is no infringement of law, for no demand, human or divine, renders it just to punish a man for acting justly." As I read this passage the healing truth dawned on my consciousness, and I arose from my bed healed. This healing has always meant a great deal to me because it showed me how simple Christian Science is.

I am most grateful for having had the privilege of serving as an associate at the Christian Science Benevolent Association in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. I am also grateful for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, for the help I have received from Christian Science practitioners, and for the benefits I received from class instruction and the inspiration I get from our annual association meetings.—

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