Christ Jesus often taught vital lessons to his followers through parables, thus presenting Truth in a way understandable to their unenlightened thought. Once he stressed the importance of brotherly love by relating the now familiar parable of the good Samaritan, whom he represented as administering compassionately to the needs of one who had been cruelly beaten by robbers and left by the wayside.
According to this parable of the Master's (Luke 10:30-35), the highly respected priest and Levite, adherents of formal religious sects, ignored the stranger's pitiable condition and "passed by on the other side." The Samaritan, however, who belonged to a nation despised by the Jews, took heed of his condition and lovingly cared for his needs. Because of this parable, the term good Samaritan is now generally associated with kindly deeds and healing compassion.
Christian Science is performing in the present age the offices of the good Samaritan towards those who appear to be sick and sinning by revealing to them the truths of perfect, spiritual being, thereby enabling them to win deliverance from the erroneous beliefs of mortal mind. This Science is the Comforter referred to by Christ Jesus when he said (John 14:26), "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."