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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every Christian Science treatment and every logical conclusion in the teaching of Christian Science is based on the fact stated so clearly by our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 262): "Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence. Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms."

What seems causative in human experience Christian Science shows to be the opposite of cause, or God, and powerless to produce any effect except in human belief. The false concept of mind termed mortal mind, or the minds of mortals, is much concerned with causation on a material basis. In the many unhappy incidents which attend mortal experience—sickness, accident, and even death—the first question generally asked is, "What caused it?" When a materially logical answer is given in reply, the human thought is satisfied and willing to accept the inharmonious condition as a reality because it has been associated with what is regarded as its logical cause, although such reasoning is a denial of God, good, as the only cause.

Christian Science brings a great boon to mankind. It shows how anyone may overcome the false belief that something besides God is causative. Intelligence refuses to permit one to claim God, good, as the cause of evil. Thus Christian Science points out the mistake of admitting that inharmony of any kind—disease, lack, or sin—has in reality a creator. An immediate recognition that sickness does not have a cause, since God is the only cause, will do much towards healing sickness. Realization of this truth wipes out of human consciousness any belief that sickness has causation in God. Since disease is only the evidence of what seems to be in mortal thought, the aforesaid method must also remove disease from the body.

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