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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

An airplane pilot who is cruising at a desired altitude must watch his instruments carefully to make certain that he is not losing height. One who is journeying Spiritward needs also to watch that he is not losing spiritual altitude. If he seems to be, it is a warning that he is allowing earth weights to pull him down. Earth weights have no intrinsic attractive power. Whatever power they seem to have is gained by deception.

Many students of Christian Science have found in their journey from sense to Soul that their upward course has been challenged. Occasionally problems that in theory have been well worked out later demand solution in practice in one's own experience. Moreover, we all must find out that ignoring evil is not enough. Evil must be seen and acknowledged as nothing. For example, young people in college or out, after they have been taught by their parents or Sunday School teachers that smoking and alcoholic drinking are inconsistent with Christian Science, may be tempted to indulge in them. They may even be startled or fooled by the various approaches mortal mind makes to break down their trust in the all-sufficiency of good.

Mortal mind may even suggest that because some very nice people indulge in social drinking and smoking the custom is not evil after all. This is a subtle suggestion. When a young person sees another who expresses certain qualities which he wishes he himself expressed to a greater degree, such as grace, charm, beauty, poise, et cetera, the temptation is to appraise the other and find out how he has gained these qualities. The suggestion may come that the cigarette which another is smoking is giving him greater poise or a certain nonchalance that is enviable. Or the argument may be that the drinking of a cocktail gives one a certain sociableness and popularity. Thus the young Christian Scientist may be tempted to believe that many things which he was taught to avoid are not all bad and might bring him something good.

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