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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is not one of us who does not love the thought of resurrection. The glory and wonder of Christ Jesus' demonstration over death never fail to inspire every Christian, especially the student of Christian Science. But while the Christian world views this tremendous event as the individual triumph of a personal Saviour, Christian Science alone gives the deep spiritual significance and scientific explanation of it. Not only has Jesus' resurrection abolished death—the belief that death is the end—and comforted the sorrowing with the certainty of life everlasting, but it has given us the supreme example of what each one of us must eventually accomplish, namely, the proof that matter cannot destroy Life; that man exists here and now in the realm of Spirit, the realm of undying reality; that death and matter must flee from our presence, even as darkness flees before light. The only passing is the passing away of the shadow of materiality, leaving undying spiritual existence in its place. Then there will be

"No grave for an out-worn thought
No tomb for forsaken dark."

Jesus went through the crucifixion with the resurrection in his thought and in his heart. Then let us, in the midst of a trial that appears to our clouded thought like a cross, hold steadfastly to the thought of the resurrection, the thought that enabled our great Master to say before his crucifixion (John 16:33), "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

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