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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What marvelous spiritual good can be experienced in a single moment at the touch of divinity! According to the Scriptures, a woman pressed through a throng of people that surrounded the most Godlike man who ever lived, even Christ Jesus, and coming up behind him touched the hem of his garment. What must have been the feeling or sensation of that touch, and what were its effects? In a moment, even before the Master saw her, she who had been hopelessly ill for twelve years was instantly healed.

What was it that produced this wonderful transformation? Certainly the cloth of the garment had no healing efficacy. It must have been the godliness of the Master's nature with its fragrance of being which pervaded the mental atmosphere as a transforming influence, and which, penetrating the error that had bound the woman to suffering, gave her new life, flooding her thought with gratitude and exaltation. To her outreaching faith, how gentle, how tender, and yet how irresistible and mighty, was the Master's response; for it is written that he comforted her and told her (Mark 5:34), "Thy faith hath made thee whole."

Nearly two thousand years later this same godly touch of the ever-present, living, palpitating Christ was experienced by Mary Baker Eddy. Sibyl Wilbur relates in her book entitled "The Life of Mary Baker Eddy" (p. 126): "A spiritual experience so deep was granted her that she realized eternity in a moment, infinitude in limitation, life in the presence of death. ... In that consciousness all pain evanesced into bliss, all discord in her physical body melted into harmony, all sorrow was translated into rapture."

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