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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Following a fall on some icy steps and a painful injury to her spine, a woman worked faithfully for healing in accordance with her understanding of Christian Science, but with no apparent effect for several days. She courageously continued to go to her business during that period, but on returning home one evening felt that it would be impossible for her to go again without relief. She then considered very earnestly how her work in Science had fallen short and what more she could do.

She had recognized, as Christian Science teaches, that the accident did not really occur, that as God's likeness or idea it was impossible for her to have fallen or been injured. She had seen with not a little clarity and assurance that the apparent experience could have been no more than mesmeric suggestion, which had never actually touched her, nor itself been real, and that in fact she was, as she had always been, whole and harmonious. Her custom had long been to endeavor to keep all her thought and action in accord with divine wisdom and Love, to let that Mind be in her "which was also in Christ Jesus," which she knew as the way of demonstration in Christian Science; and during this testing time she had sought even more diligently to do this.

What was she to do further? How could her recognition of the truth concerning herself be more complete? These, she knew, were very practical questions. For she understood that with unqualified realization of Truth the needed evidence unfailingly appears. As Mary Baker Eddy puts it in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 14): "Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual,—neither in nor of matter,—and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well;" again (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 13), "And if the healer realizes the truth, it will free his patient."

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