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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every clear and correct statement of eternal truth is a powerful statement. All of eternal truth is in and of God and manifests His power. The limitless power of God, which is all the power there is, operates always to bless and never to harm. Truly does the Bible declare (Prov. 10:22), "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." Not only is God eternal Truth and Life, but He is also divine Love, and Love ceaselessly and eternally sustains and preserves everything that God produces. There is nothing in God or in His complete and perfect creation which can or does produce discord or distress of any kind. God is good, and everything that God produces is good and forever remains good. It is ignorance of God which causes all the discord and distress found in human experience.

These are facts which our great Way-shower, Christ Jesus, understood, taught, and demonstrated. Wherever the Master went, he proved that the good which the people needed is present and available. He proved that the evils which the people feared are unreal and powerless. Jesus knew that the eternal truth which he understood and utilized will eventually destroy all evil and liberate, enlighten, and redeem mankind; hence the declaration which he made when certain Jews displayed an interest in what he said (John 8:31, 32): "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesus was the greatest scientific thinker and worker the world has ever known. He understood and demonstrated with unparalleled completeness and finality the Science of God, the Science of eternal and harmonious Being. This he did when he healed the sick and raised the dead, when he stilled the tempest and walked over the waves, when he fed the multitudes in the wilderness, and above all when he overcame death and the grave for himself.

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