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Testimonies of Healing

I had always had great faith in God

From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I had always had great faith in God. However, after my mother passed on I was in the depths of despair for many weeks; it seemed as though I were in a dark dungeon. One day I asked God to help me. My prayer was answered, for shortly I met a friend who, knowing of my unhappiness, asked that I go to see a Christian Science practitioner whom she knew, which I immediately did. After my visit with her, my grief lifted, and when I left, I felt as though I were walking on air. I then purchased a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and read it from cover to cover several times. I also began attending a branch church.

Through the false influence of mortal mind I had periods of doubting, but after a never-to-be-forgotten lesson I have not doubted since. The evil beliefs of the material world had always depressed and made me very unhappy, but through my study of Christian Science I can see the nothingness of anything unlike God, good. This recognition has brought me great joy and peace of mind. Through the realization that man is always in his real home, the consciousness of Love, we were able to purchase a house. When I ceased to cling to a material personality, harmony was established where discord seemed to reign, and there has followed freedom such as I had never dreamed of.

In the raising of a family of five children I have never administered medicine, but when problems have arisen, either they have been overcome through the help of a faithful practitioner or through my own reading and studying. Tonsillitis, laryngitis, fevers, pain, hemorrhages, and whooping cough vanished, sometimes overnight.

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