For many years Christian Science has been a wonderful help to me in meeting the problems of life and in subjecting them to the divine Principle which Science expounds. It first rescued me, as a girl, from nervous prostration, which had rendered impossible my enjoyment of life, cut me off from normal social pleasures and relationships, and reduced me to a near skeleton.
When my interest in Christian Science was awakened, my improvement became rapid, and I was able to demonstrate this Science for myself and for others. As an example, when my mother asked me for help in Science during an attack of ptomaine poisoning, she was healed at once. One moment she was lying on her bed, crying out and writhing in pain. A few moments later she arose and dressed. Then she went buoyantly off to preside over an educational meeting.
Through the help of a practitioner my brother was healed overnight of a severe case of blood poisoning, which had caused one leg to discolor to the hip. He was moaning in pain and had a fever. The following morning he was completely healed and went swimming with friends. Previously he had been healed of pneumonia and a weak heart after the doctors had given him only a few hours to live. These healings inspired me to more earnest study and church attendance. I joined The Mother Church and also a branch church. Subsequently I was healed of double pneumonia and of a broken wrist.