Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, tells us in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 205): "In mortal experience, the fire of repentance first separates the dross from the gold, and reformation brings the light which dispels darkness. Thus the operation of the spirit of Truth and Love on the human thought, in the words of St. John, 'shall take of mine and show it unto you.'"
In the dictionary we find some helpful meanings of "regeneration," among which are reformation, conversion, restoration, spiritual renewal, and rebirth. In Science we learn that the true spiritual man of God's creation does not need regeneration, reformation, or rebirth. He always is, always has been, and will continue to be throughout eternity at the standpoint of perfection. He is never advancing toward or receding from that position of completeness and perpetual unity with his creator.
However, this is not true of the so-called human consciousness, which is beclouded with the mist and darkness of mortal mind's mesmeric suggestions. The human consciousness needs purification, enlightenment, and regeneration. This is a necessity before the image and likeness of God can be revealed. Through regeneration the spiritual idea is acknowledged and accepted as the only man of infinite Mind's knowing. This is accomplished through the ever-active, purifying, vitalizing, and transforming power of Truth and Love acting on human thought.