In the Bible we read (Prov. 3:5, 6): "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." For many years I have relied on God for guidance in the handling of business and professional problems, the lesser ones as well as those of larger proportions and of importance beyond the boundaries of everyday business routine.
Several years ago I instituted an action which was of great regional importance to business firms in the industry to which I was then and am still attached. Because of resistance to the action, it became necessary to bring it before a governmental administrative body. Prosecution of the case required a long time, and there were occasions when my colleagues were not minded to continue the effort to obtain complete vindication of our position. However, I knew that divine Principle is ever operative and not to be denied. Prayerful work by myself and at times by a practitioner always led to the taking of the proper human footsteps in the filing of briefs and answers, as well as in oral argument.
After many and unexpected developments all the considerations that had been asked for in our original petition were granted. Later, in an amicable agreement arrived at out of court, we were compensated for the monetary loss which we had incurred.