The commonly accepted theory that man is a mortal, possessing a physical body and subject to so-called laws of material medicine, results in the educated belief that health is dependent upon some form of matter.
As one looks about and sees the tragic effects of fear and the images of disease that are imposed upon the thinking of mankind through every means at the disposal of mortal mind, he can understand the lament of the prophet Jeremiah when he said (8:22), "Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?"
Christian Science has come to save mortals from sin and disease through the revelation that man is spiritual, the very image and likeness of God; and that God is wholly good and could never send any evil upon His children. Christian Science shows through the undeniable proofs of the healing of all manner of disease, fear, and sorrow that it is the Comforter, which Jesus said would come.