A friend who knew that our family was in great need of the healing truth of Christian Science directed us to the home of a practitioner. I shall never forget the love and understanding with which she greeted us. Our entire family of four turned wholeheartedly to Christian Science for help.
My mother had been going to doctors over a period of several years for a chronic stomach condition and had been told that she showed every indication of cancer of the stomach. She was healed very quickly and now at eighty-two is a shining example of what the study and application of Christian Science can bring to daily living.
My own first healing was that of chronic constipation, and although the healing took place over twenty years ago, I still feel great gratitude for it. At one time I had an abscessed kidney. Under medical treatment the suffering was intense, and relief was weeks in coming. The prediction was made that there would probably be a recurrence of the difficulty. After I had studied Christian Science for about a year this trouble again presented itself with all of its alarming symptoms. With the help of the same Christian Science practitioner who had helped me before, the condition was healed in a few hours, and I was up and about my work completely free. There has never been a recurrence, although the healing took place over twenty years ago.