This era in which we are now living is surely blessed by the lifework of Mary Baker Eddy, the greatest spiritual thinker since Jesus' time. She has left us the fruit of her years of consecrated work, the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, the key that has opened the Bible for thousands of people who can testify to Truth's healing power.
During the last twenty years I have had many healings through Christian Science. The most outstanding one was of a virulent fever, to which I fell a victim about seven years ago when I was visiting in Africa. I was able to contact a friend, who was interested in Christian Science, and I asked her to cable to a practitioner in England for help.
Shortly afterward I was taken in an unconscious state to a nursing home, where I was put on the danger list. The doctors stated that my condition was the worst on their records, and after a few days they pronounced my case hopeless and gave me only a short while to live. A cable was sent to my relatives in England, and a sister, living some distance away in Africa, had come to be with me. She was told by the doctors that everything humanly possible had been done for me, but that I could not be expected to live through the night.