The parable of the prodigal son affords many helpful lessons for students of Christian Science in their upward way from sense to Soul. Not only does this parable underline the folly of one's pandering to the material senses by the seeking of substance in matter, as the prodigal did, but it also proves substance to be present with us, here at the moment just where we are.
The elder son allowed envy to sway his thought when he heard about the prodigal's warm welcome. Refusing to participate in the joyful reunion of father and son, he too strayed into the far country of lack—lack of love and brotherliness. Just as the prodigal had been in want, so the elder son had accepted a belief that he would be deprived of some good because of his brother's return.
Individuals who have glimpsed something of the truth as revealed by Christian Science may not find themselves in the same quandary as that of the prodigal. But is there not a tendency at times to feel that one is in the position of the elder brother? We may see a friend's splendid demonstrations of great spiritual progress and of successful healing work, while we ourselves, despite earnest, sincere study, seem unable to solve our own personal problems.