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Testimonies of Healing

I am very grateful for the freedom which...

From the May 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am very grateful for the freedom which the study and application of Christian Science have brought into my life. About a month after I began reading the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, I visited a friend who was a sincere student of Christian Science. While at her home I broke my glasses, which I had worn for over fifteen years. Through her help I glimpsed something of the truth and was healed instantaneously of the need for wearing glasses.

During my school years I was very timid and almost afraid to speak before a group of people. The same year in which I had class instruction in Christian Science I was asked to give an after-dinner talk at an office party. This was almost the last thing I thought I could do, and I was about to refuse when suddenly I found myself saying that I would be happy to do it. I went to the Reading Room that noon, and on opening the Bible, I read these three words (Job 33:24): "He is gracious." I realized that God is indeed gracious, and so is His child. Then I knew that I could be gracious in what I said and how I said it, and the talk took form in my thought.

The banquet was a happy experience, and I was able to converse with my dinner partner, enjoy my dinner, and give my talk calmly and with great joy. I was so grateful for the freedom I felt. Freedom was gained in another way that night. I did not drink, but heretofore I had been disturbed because others suggested that I do so to be sociable. That night and thereafter no one ever suggested that I take intoxicating liquor.

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