I would like to express my sincere thanks to God for Christian Science and for the transformation it has brought into my life. When I was quite young, I became a member of an orthodox church. But as I did not find the truth I was seeking or satisfactory answers to my questions, I drifted away from religion and did not attend a church for many years.
At a time when I was having difficulty with a number of problems, my wife, who was a student of Christian Science, placed an open copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy in front of me on the table. I began to read this textbook, and I became so interested that I lost all account of time and read far into the night. Soon I found such satisfactory answers to my perplexing questions that I spent many hours reading and pondering the Bible and Science and Health. On some occasions I read on through most of the night. Before long I was healed of the drinking and smoking habits of many years' standing.
One great annoyance I had was recurring colds, which usually lasted all winter. Shortly after I began the study of Science, I caught a cold. I called a Christian Science practitioner for help, and the condition was healed. I realized that these long periods of discomfort were not necessary, since God's law, the only real law, gives freedom from everything unlike divine Love. Christian Science was teaching me that God is the only power and that this power is entirely good. Then one Sunday morning, when I was serving as an usher in a branch church, I awoke with quite a severe cold, and I went to work very earnestly to overcome it through my own prayers. By the time I arrived at church to usher, I was completely free.