It is my desire to express my humble gratitude for the many healings my family and I have experienced through the study and application of Christian Science. I have known of Science from childhood, and one of my first healings was as follows. I was sick in bed with a high fever and was covered with a rash. My father called a practitioner, who, on her arrival, asked that my family leave the room. Then she gave me a treatment, staying with me about an hour. As she prepared to leave, I jumped from my bed declaring that I was well and asked for something to eat. My skin was perfectly free from the rash, and it did not return.
When one of our sons was about ten years old, he noticed a wart on the bottom of his foot. It became very painful when he walked, and I called a practitioner for help. Within two weeks the wart dried up and dropped off.
Another son became quite ill when he was about three years old. He had severe pain in his abdomen all one night and most of the next day. My husband became alarmed and thought the trouble might be appendicitis. I worked prayerfully for the boy, but when he did not improve, I too became fearful. My husband decided that if the child did not improve shortly, he would call a doctor. I recalled that Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 395), "Like the great Exemplar, the healer should speak to disease as one having authority over it, leaving Soul to master the false evidences of the corporeal senses and to assert its claims over mortality and disease."