Christian Science came into my life during the First World War. At that time, I knew nothing of its healing power. I was sorely handicapped by a difficulty in speaking, and as I was a salesman, I was embarrassed many times.
One Sunday morning, I attended a service in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. The subject of the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly for that week was "Truth." That same afternoon I attended a lecture on Christian Science which dealt with seeking and knowing the truth. That lecture inspired me to seek the truth.
I began to study Christian Science seriously. I read Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy from cover to cover many times, each time gaining a deeper realization of the power of Truth to heal. One day it dawned on me that I was actually the child of God, and as such I was immune to any physical handicaps. This being true, I could not in reality be subject to any difficulty in speaking. I was completely healed.