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From the November 1958 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the business world, it has become an accepted practice to take periodic inventories in order to determine the extent of progress and to be certain that the business rests on a sound financial structure. The larger and more progressive businesses usually maintain continuing or daily inventory records.

The businessman who is a student of Christian Science has found that the practice of taking periodic, continuing, or daily inventory of his spiritual house or consciousness enables him to check his true progress and to make certain that his life rests on a sound understanding of God and of His reflection, man. The result of such a practice is a calm, well-ordered, and joyous state of consciousness which manifests itself in harmony, assurance, and real achievement.

The starting point of such an inventory must be a recognition and acknowledgment of the allness and omnipotence of God. From this starting point, coupled with a background of daily study of the Bible and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the student comes to understand God as divine Mind, the source of all right ideas. Then he is prepared to accept only right ideas in his mental storehouse and to reject as unreal all thoughts which would claim to proceed from a mind separate from the one and only Mind, God.

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