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Testimonies of Healing

When I was six years old, I was enrolled...

From the November 1958 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was six years old, I was enrolled in the Christian Science Sunday School. On my first Sunday I learned that God is everywhere. At the time, this fact seemed quite remarkable to me, and I remember telling all my little friends about it. From then on, this wonderful truth has been a constant companion.

I have learned many truths through the study of Christian Science and have had many healings through the application of them. Once as a small child I was delirious with fever and had frightening hallucinations. Then, quite suddenly, my thought cleared, and I was all right. Later my father told me that I had been so sick that he was beside himself with fear. He said he had telephoned a Christian Science practitioner, and within five minutes I was normal.

When I was thirteen years old, I was healed of recurring headaches, and while I was a high school student, I experienced a healing which has been a great source of comfort and encouragement to me. A skin condition spread over the greater part of one side of my face. I had been attending school; but the condition had become disturbing to my adviser, and she told me I would have to obtain permission from the school nurse to stay in school.

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