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From the February 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

OF late years some doctors of medicine have been admitting that thought plays a part in the incidence and development of certain diseases. For nearly a century Christian Science has been pointing out the effect of fear and discordant thought upon the body. But this Science goes farther than other methods of treating sickness from a mental basis and insists that all diseases are conditions of thought and that disease itself is mental. Mary Baker Eddy says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 105), "Destroy the thought of sin, sickness, death, and you destroy their existence."

Mankind are reluctant to believe that their bodies cannot disease themselves, but can only express mortal beliefs, consciously or unconsciously entertained. The so-called carnal mind, which claims to exist and to substitute itself for divine Mind, God, is the producer of every physical symptom. When one admits that disease is thought, he realizes that physical errors must leave him as false thoughts, not as bodily conditions.

I was once taken with a severe cold, accompanied by a cough that seemed uncontrollable day and night. After feeling helpless for a few days, I saw that mortal mind was trying to cough off the trouble it had produced. I then realized that Christian Science required that I unthink the cold instead of trying to cough it off and that I express only thoughts in accord with scientific truth.

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