A WRITER in a current magazine considers the great threat to contemporary man to be the alleged meaninglessness of life which many people suffer from. Closely related to this problem is the one which many individuals face who feel desolate and unwanted, believing that society has little if any need of them, because they are along in years or because their families have grown up and departed.
Christian Science teaches that all individuals are vitally needed, and it guides the honest seeker into finding a purposeful fulfilling of that need. In the Message to The Mother Church for 1900, Mary Baker Eddy writes (p. 3): "The right thinker and worker does his best, and does the thinking for the ages. No hand that feels not his help, no heart his comfort."
All mankind needs the comfort of spiritual understanding, needs the realization that God, our Father-Mother Love, tenderly embraces all His children. This ever-present divine Love is All-in-all, and therefore evil in any form cannot really exist.