As a new student of Christian Science, and young in years, I became ill in a restaurant while alone, visiting a large city. By referring to a copy of the Journal which I had in my bag, I found the office of a Christian Science teacher. Compassionately he began treatment through prayer, and within twenty minutes I left not only completely healed, but absolutely radiant.
Returning home I felt I must share this healing at a Wednesday evening testimony meeting in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. Public speaking had hitherto been utterly impossible for me. The prompting to relate my healing was so insistent that I arose and was amazed that not only the words came intelligibly, but also volume and breath came easily, and nervousness did not confound me. Later, I was able to travel quite widely doing lecturing work. I count the overcoming of inability to speak in public one of the greatest triumphs in my experience as a Christian Scientist.
Two days after we had discharged domestic help because of an immoral situation which had come to our notice, I awoke to find myself covered with a deep scarlet rash. I was due at my office that afternoon, and I am so grateful that neither my husband nor I doubted that I could be there, healed through Christian Science.