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From the October 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

EVERY individual who has felt the healing touch of the Christ, Truth, has reason to be grateful. Through the study of Christian Science, the mists of error are gradually dispersed from thought, and the true nature of man as the spiritual reflection of God is revealed more and more. Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 428), "To divest thought of false trusts and material evidences in order that the spiritual facts of being may appear,—this is the great attainment by means of which we shall sweep away the false and give place to the true." The appearing of "the spiritual facts of being" results in greater harmony in daily human experiences.

When students of Christian Science realize the blessings gained through the understanding of man's spirituality and unity with the Father, they desire to give audible expression of gratefulness at the Wednesday testimony meetings. However, some seem unable to do so. This subtle, aggressive sense of limitation, like all sense of lack, is mesmeric in origin and is no part of God's man. There is in reality no mortal mind resistance to expressing good, for divine Mind, God, is ever present, and the only Mind present.

The conscientious, silent, prayerful support given the Wednesday meetings by those present is essential, but more than that is needed. Without testimonies audibly given, a By-Law in the Church Manual by Mrs. Eddy would be overlooked. Under the heading of "Testimonials," Article VIII, Section 24, reads in part: "Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important. More than a mere rehearsal of blessings, it scales the pinnacle of praise and illustrates the demonstration of Christ, 'who healeth all thy diseases' (Psalm 103:3)." No mortal mind suggestion to the effect that one need not obey this By-Law should be permitted to cloud thought. Students of Christian Science realize that obedience to all the By-Laws in the Manual aids their spiritual progress.

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