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From the October 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN human perspective the world is shrinking. Technological discoveries, overcoming the limitations of time and space, compel us to take cognizance of peoples once alien, who have overnight, so to speak, become our near neighbors.

This proximity makes one even more conscious of his neighbor's needs and failings and makes him aware of the common obligation under the brotherhood of man to help another. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the continuing peace and prosperity of an individual or nation are linked with the peace and prosperity of all individuals and nations.

In pondering how a world-wide high level of equality may be attained, students of Christian Science realize that the only way lies through the enlightening and elevating evangelism of Science. This Science shows that if we would help others, we must be right ourselves and that this help does not consist in our doing for others but in helping them to do for themselves.

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