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From the October 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

LONG ago, Jesus warned his disciples of mesmeric materialism, which would, if unresisted, paralyze the good thoughts and actions of men and thus give the devil, or error, free reign in the world. "False Christs and false prophets shall rise," he said, "and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things" (Mark 13:22, 23)

People who take heed are alert to the signs of the times and fully realize what the materialistic trend of thought, unless reversed, portends for mankind. They refuse to be lulled into sleep by the illusions of material propaganda. They are sticklers for the truth in everything that touches their human experience, and they have come to know that the only permanent remedy for deception is the revealing light of Truth. No time is wasted by them in simply talking about the awfulness of evil influences and then doing nothing about it. They are searching for and insisting on some kind of action to awaken mankind from its materialistic stupor.

Christian Scientists, alert and armed with a scientific knowledge of God and man, are doing much to free the minds of men from the aggressive mental suggestions of evil, disease, and death. They are proving in their own experience that error must not be tolerated, but destroyed; that Christian Science is the law of destruction to everything unlike good; that this is an everyday religion that preserves harmony and health through action — spiritual action. No place can be found in its preachments and practice for inaction, laziness, apathy, or contentment with any thought, word, or deed that is ungodlike. Based on the teachings of Jesus, Christian Science addresses its simple truths to the human consciousness and appeals to men's reason, not to their emotions, fears, and superstitions.

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