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From the October 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE Christian Scientist knows that faithful adherence to the highest right must be constant and undeviating. He must avoid the tendency to swing with the pendulum of human conjecture from earnestness to apathy, from joy to discord, or from health to disease. In accordance with the law of God he must hold to spiritual ease in the truth, never allowing himself the temptation to permit the belief of disease in matter.

In his Sermon on the Mount, the master Metaphysician, Christ Jesus, declared (Matt. 5:18), "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." He counseled his disciples to comprehend his explanation of the law and to adhere to his teachings in the minutest detail.

Mrs. Eddy once wrote similar counsel to the editors of The Christian Science Journal. She said (Miscellany, p.146): "The Christian Scientist voices the harmonious and eternal and nothing else. He lays his whole weight of thought, tongue, and pen in the divine scale of being—for health and holiness."

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