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From the October 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE Bible is a marvel of history, allegory, parable, poetry, and majestic prose. Its simplest narratives teach valuable lessons and have occupied the thought of deep thinkers throughout the centuries since its compilation. The encouragement, hope, and comfort gleaned from its pages, the joy and spiritual progress experienced through understanding this great book, the rich depth and beauty of thought expressed by the master Christian, Christ Jesus, and the records of healings he performed, all contribute toward giving the Bible its unique place and standing, a position which can never be usurped by any other book.

However, the Bible seems to be a closed book to many individuals who have thought it difficult to understand because they have not felt its precious spiritual import. The first tenet of Christian Science, found on page 497 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, is indicative of the honor and love our Leader felt for the Bible. We read, "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life." This statement also appears in the Church Manual by the same author and is found on every application blank for membership in The Mother Church. Thoughtful study of this tenet will spur on the student to a deeper appreciation of the Bible and its inspiring messages.

Sometimes individuals unacquainted with Christian Science do not realize the place the Bible has in the Church of Christ, Scientist. A reference to the above-quoted tenet will show that the Bible is the foundational Word which has inspired the teachings of Christian Science. The textbook itself finds its authority in the truths of the Bible. Mrs. Eddy, from earliest childhood, was a devout Bible student. In her adult years, after twenty years of research in tracing physical conditions to mental causes and after enduring many stormy experiences, she immediately recovered from the results of an accident which her physician declared would be fatal. This healing came to her as she pondered the Biblical record of a healing performed by Jesus. This occurrence in the life of our Leader was the beginning of what we know today as Christian Science.

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