When I was about eight years old, one of my eyes suddenly became crossed. My mother prayed earnestly in Science for me, and she encouraged me to know the truth I had been taught in the Sunday School. I also went to see a Christian Science practitioner several times. However, the condition grew no better.
The school health examiner recommended that I wear glasses; so my parents bought me a pair with corrective lenses which I wore for a few years but to no avail. Throughout this time, we continued in prayer to God, seeking His guidance.
Finally, it became evident that if I were to be healed of this condition, I must make my own sincere effort to understand and demonstrate the healing power of Truth. I was awakened to this fact when, upon the recommendation of the school nurse, I went to have my glasses changed. The specialist who examined me said that an operation would have to be performed before I entered my teens and that even if it were, he did not hold out much hope that it would be effective and that a second operation might be needed.