It is a great privilege to be a Christian Scientist and to have the opportunity to apply God's law to the problems which come to us to be solved, whether they are physical difficulties or unhappy human relationships.
The truth that man has no alternative but to reflect God was proved to me in the healing of a discordant situation in an office where I was employed. I worked long hours, put in much overtime, but still could not get caught up with my work. I felt burdened and a little resentful because my efforts were not even recognized by those for whom I worked, including my immediate superior. In discussing this problem with another Christian Scientist, I expressed the feeling that the only thing for me to do was to separate myself from the job, to leave it. My friend explained to me that I should not leave the job until I had worked my way out of it. I did not understand exactly what was meant, but I wanted to do everything I could to have conditions more harmonious.
About this time I was given a copy of a pamphlet, which had been obtained from a Christian Science Reading Room. It was entitled "Man Is Always Employed." I diligently studied the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy each day and read this pamphlet during my lunch hour and on breaks.