Christian Science certainly can solve all kinds of problems. In rearing a family of eight children, my husband and I have had a great many opportunities to prove this. Healings of colds, headaches, burns, broken bones, and an organic difficulty have been accomplished solely through Christian Science. Problems of human relationships, though at times difficult, have been worked out. Disposition and character have been improved. Progress from poverty to a sense of abundance beyond human hopes has taken place in our home through a persistent realization of man's dominion over limitation.
When our youngest son was eighteen and in college, he received his call to appear before a draft board for possible induction into the Army. After the draft notice came, I was overwhelmed with grief. The anticipated loss of and separation from the last son at home and pity and concern for him because of the interrupted preparation for his career overpowered me with a great sense of depression.
Then I prayed as we are taught in Christian Science and became aware that all the qualities which our son manifested and which were so dear to us were reflections of God's presence and love. I knew that these qualities must be ever present and eternal and that I must not only see them all about me, but also magnify them by expressing them in my own daily experience.