The textbook, Science and Health by our beloved Leader, was presented to my family by a very dear aunt, who through Christian Science had been healed of digestive troubles after many material means had failed to help her.
I was at that time in a state of great mental unrest because of my unsatisfied desire to know the truth, the whys and wherefores, in other words, God. This state of thought was often manifested in boils, influenza, and a skin disorder. From the moment I started reading the textbook, I knew it contained the truth I was searching for, and my thought was illumined with great happiness. As I continued to study, with the help of my aunt, many of my fears dissolved. The boils were quickly healed, and gradually the severe attacks of influenza disappeared. And as I progressed in my understanding, the skin difficulty cleared entirely.
During the following four years away from home, while I was attending college and university, my love for Christian Science was put to the test and strengthened, not only in overcoming loneliness and homesickness, but also the pronouncement by an examining physician that I probably had a heart weakness which would limit my participation in gymnasium and sports activities. I did not accept this limitation and applied the truth to every fearful thought which tried to assert itself, with the result that the last time I submitted to a physical examination at college, I was pronounced in good condition.