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Testimonies of Healing

As a student of Christian Science, I have...

From the November 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a student of Christian Science, I have had many opportunities to demonstrate what I understand of it, and many are the rich rewards which have come to me and to my family from relying radically upon God to meet our every need.

Our two children were born at home. When the second child came, the birth seemed at first to be an unnatural one; but my husband and I found our thoughts so filled with a sweet sense of God's presence and His unfailing care that the inharmonious condition was corrected immediately, and the birth proceeded normally and naturally and comparatively free from discomfort.

We were supported during the time prior to these experiences and during the experiences themselves by a Christian Science practitioner, who had pointed out that the birth of a child is in reality a divine idea being made manifest in our consciousness. This thought helped to lift us out of the belief of life beginning at the moment of birth and of human parentage, to the understanding of infinite Life, uninterrupted by human beliefs, with God as the Father and Mother of all. Both these experiences were joyous and harmonious. Now these children are showing a receptivity to the truth that is indeed wonderful to see.

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