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From the November 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Young Christian Scientist, who had attended the Christian Science Sunday School from childhood and is now a member of a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, not having long passed the Sunday School leaving age of twenty, wrote to me recently. He commented that Christian Science is a "dynamic religion," and that this fact should prove attractive to young people "since they seem to appreciate something that swings."

The Scientist knows that mankind's salvation from the pains, discords, and evils of materialism can be achieved only through the revelation of the Christ, the revelation that spiritual being is the truth of being, as the Bible has declared. The extent to which young, active Christian Scientists are nourished by today's branch churches will influence deeply the continuing impact of the Christ, Truth, upon mankind's experience, greatly determining the capacity of future church memberships to multiply their vital redemptive work. Church members, therefore, might well ponder their aliveness to this fact. Christian Science meets every need of the stages which the human mind supposititiously presents. The broader, the more tender a church's comprehension of the needs of these stages, the more representative of human life its membership roll. A large proportion of older people need not comprise a church membership. Should that ever be the case, the evident need may be earnest self-examination by each member to determine how pure, how unsullied by physical estimates, by world views, is his individual concept of youth.

Each member may well pray to be cleansed of the physical sense of youth and to discern the true sense, to say in the words of the Psalmist, "Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood: that our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace" (Ps.144:11,12). Young people, often unconsciously hungry for the truth of their identity, will advance to membership with or be newly attracted to a church whose members hold consciously, actively, the true, Christianly scientific sense of them.

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