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From the November 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Much of humanity seems burdened with a false sense of responsibility and the heaviness it induces. But our Way-shower, Christ Jesus, said (Matt. 11:28-30): "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden. . . . Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me. . . . For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Our burdens become light when we love God, when the law of God is written in our hearts, when we learn in Christian Science that burdens are entirely unreal, neither created by nor known to God, and that consequently man in His image is ever free from them.

Since God, infinite Mind, creates and includes all His ideas, He does not leave His ideas, and they cannot leave Him. God, Love, ever cares for and prospers His ideas, or creation. This is His responsibility, and He performs it perfectly.

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