I first learned something of Christian Science through a friend at the beginning of the Second World War as we sat and talked one evening in his barrack room about my wife's illness. He then asked me, "Would you like to see her well?" Naturally I said I would. The day after our talk, he gave me some copies of The Herald of Christian Science (Swedish Edition) and also some smaller pieces of Christian Science literature which he asked me to study. He showed me that there were practitioners listed in the back of the Herald. He himself had been healed through a practitioner's help.
I wrote to my wife, who was in a mental hospital, and sent her the literature, asking if she would like to have me write a practitioner and ask for Christian Science treatment. Her reply stating that she would be grateful for it came by return mail. I then wrote to a practitioner and asked for help for my wife, whose nerves, according to the physician's diagnosis, were completely "shattered." My wife's letters became hopeful and happy, and no longer melancholic and apathetic. She wrote that she relied completely on the practitioner's realization of God's healing power, and she received no further medical treatment. In a short time my wife was healed and was able to leave the hospital. She then began the study of Christian Science.
In a couple of years my military service was at an end, and I returned home. My wife continued to study Science, but I merely read the literature occasionally. After a while problems arose and, among others, misunderstandings with relatives. I then began to study more regularly. I wrote to a practitioner and borrowed a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, which had just been published in the Swedish translation. We studied the Bible and Science and Health, and one difficulty after another was overcome.