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Testimonies of Healing

I was reared in a church that was generous...

From the March 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was reared in a church that was generous in its attitude toward all religions, yet I allowed myself to believe discrediting statements relative to Christian Science. Then, desiring to further my education in art, I left home to live in a large city. Church attendance had always been a joyous activity to me; so it was natural that I, on my first Sunday away from home, should decide to attend a nearby church. When I found it to be a Church of Christ, Scientist, my impulse was to turn away, but curiosity made me enter. All prejudice vanished as I gazed upon a large congregation with intelligent, happy faces. But more significant was the simple dignity and beauty of the service and the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. I continued to attend this church, but had no intention of becoming a Christian Scientist.

A few months later, I had severe pain in my eyes and blurred vision. Fearful and discouraged, I was grateful when a fellow art student invited me to share her home. Her sister was an earnest student of Science and, recognizing my need, acquainted me with some of its teachings. I learned that healing was the result of understanding prayer, not blind faith, hypnotism, or will power. God was revealed as a loving Father-Mother, the perfect creator of a perfect creation; He was not a Deity unexpressed and far away. Eagerness to learn more resulted in the daily study with my friend of the Bible Lesson, outlined in the Quarterly. A few weeks later, on a beautiful Easter morning, I became happily aware that I could read the inscriptions on the far side of the church. My enlightened thought also brought release from periodic sick headaches and chronic colds.

Some time later, I became ill with influenza. Too ill to read, I clung to our Leader's inspired words given in "the scientific statement of being" on page 468 of Science and Health until I drifted off to sleep. I must have been receptive of its truths, such as the one that "Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness," because when I awakened, not a vestige of the sickness remained.

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