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Testimonies of Healing

On page 390 of the Christian Science...

From the February 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 390 of the Christian Science textbook Mrs. Eddy states, "It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony." An erroneous concept of one of God's ideas sometimes results in a physical disorder to the one entertaining the false concept. For several years I held in my thought deep resentment and sometimes hatred toward one of my co-workers. From time to time, I sought the help of a Christian Science practitioner; but I seemed unwilling to see God's own idea, the real man, instead of what appeared to my false consciousness as an officious and aggressive personality.

Finally I became aware of an abnormal growth in my body. I had just had class instruction in Christian Science and had been studying a great deal to understand more of God and of man's inseparable relationship to Him as His infinite idea, perfect and eternal. The practitioner again pointed out to me the importance of seeing only God's idea, no matter what the physical senses presented. For the next two weeks, with the help of the practitioner, I prayed earnestly. Sometimes fear would try to take possession of my thinking during the night hours when I was alone, but I would reach out to God and claim my at-one-ment with God, omnipotent Life, realizing that I must not concede to one argument of error. Discouragement and a feeling of hopelessness vanished as I held firmly to the truth of being and transformed my concept of man.

One Sunday when I returned home from a visit out of town, I telephoned the practitioner and complained that I had been very uncomfortable all that day. The simplicity of the truths which she voiced unfolded in my consciousness, and the illusion, or false concept, began to fade. The following night, when error again tried to voice itself, I dismissed it with the declaration, "Well, you can just die for want of a witness." Within a day or two I was completely free from all discomfort, and the growth disappeared.

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