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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in French]

I could never say enough to describe...

From the July 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I could never say enough to describe how happy and grateful I am to have learned of the existence of Christian Science and how grateful I am to the friend who put in my hands the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, during the First World War, though she herself was not a Christian Scientist. My father was a physician, and I was reared in an atheistic environment. I had great difficulty in accepting the idea of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and all-loving God, when so much evil seems to surround us.

When quite young I used to read, out of mere curiosity, passages in the Gospels which I thought very beautiful; but it was not until much later, when I began to study Christian Science, that I understood their meaning. It was when I realized for the first time God's all-presence and all-power that I began really to study this Science and the Lesson-Sermons from the Quarterly. I then had a proof of the truth of Science which transformed my life.

Sometime earlier, after I had had an operation, the doctors had declared that I had a weak heart and that it would be wise to restrict my activity. I paid attention to these counsels, and my character became gloomy. I was awakened from this mesmerism by a friend. She showed me how to cast out fear from my thought.

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