Teaching in a Christian Science Sunday School is at once a joyous and rewarding experience, and there is, perhaps, no better way to speed one's own progress in Christian Science.
A requisite for teaching is a deep and abiding love for God and man. Without this we may well echo the words of St. Paul, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."1
This sense of love that Paul was talking about is not, like a garment, to be put on and taken off at will. It is the deep and abiding consciousness of the ever-presence and power of divine Love, as taught in Christian Science. Divine Love must fill one's thought to the exclusion of all that is unlike God. Then will the teacher be equipped to cope with any situation. He will not only rejoice with the receptive thought but also consider as a challenge and opportunity any seeming evidence of insubordination or lack of receptivity.