Everyone who loves children is concerned that they develop the spiritual and moral strength that will enable them to resist temptation. But the best advice we can give youngsters is of no avail unless they are listening to us. They must want to hear. How are we to get their interest?
We must get down on our knees mentally and ask God to give us the ideas and the words that will reach them. When we refuse to allow preconceived concepts about the best way to bring out certain points to dominate us, we shall be alert to the children's areas of interest. When we are willing to use whatever comes to us through inspiration as a springboard for our teaching, we find that the practical use of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes will unfold in a way that is of vital interest to youngsters.
If we feel perplexed about how to proceed with helping our children with their daily problems, we can reassure ourselves with the truth that Love overflows with right ideas for both adult and child. We must never limit Mind's ability to provide the occasion and the wisdom needed to thwart error's suppositional activity. Trusting God to show us the way will relieve us of the frustrations that would nag at us.