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Testimonies of Healing

When we were first married over forty years...

From the September 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When we were first married over forty years ago, my wife began the study of Christian Science and later joined a branch church. These steps were resisted by me because of our orthodox church association and because I felt that another influence was entering our happy married life. However, these fears were not well-founded, because I discovered that the study and application of Christian Science became the very basis of our experience.

Every spring during my youth I had had recurring attacks of boils on my neck and face. When one of these attacks occurred after our marriage, the help of a Christian Science practitioner was requested. He directed me to the first chapter of Genesis, where the creation of man in God's image and likeness is recorded. The boils disappeared within a few days and have never reappeared.

The uplift from this first healing and the harmonious birth of our daughter with Christian Science help gave me the desire to serve the Cause of Science. I applied for membership in a branch church and was accepted.

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