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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude to God...

From the April 1968 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude to God, who gave us Christ Jesus, and for Mary Baker Eddy, who through her unselfish devotion made provision for our growth Spiritward. I had class instruction from a devoted student of Christian Science. In the last forty years I have missed only three of the annual association meetings, and it is necessary for me to travel over two thousand miles each way.

My years of teaching in the Sunday School have brought me so much joy that I do not have the words to express my appreciation for this privilege. I remember how happy I myself was to attend the Christian Science Sunday School as a pupil after Mrs. Eddy changed the age limit from sixteen to twenty. The truths I learned there have remained fresh in my memory, and I use them over and over.

The lectures, provided for by Mrs. Eddy, besides bringing the truth to strangers, fill a great need for the students of Christian Science. It was at a lecture that a great truth was given to me by the lecturer before the formal lecture. I would like to relate this experience.

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