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Relevant Religion

From the December 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus helped people where they were. He healed the sick. He gave purpose and direction to the wandering. He opened doors to usefulness and dominion for the poor and victimized. The religion he lived was relevant to the times in which he taught. And it has proved itself relevant to all succeeding times. His teachings reach humanity now in terms apt for today's extraordinary growth and change.

Why? Because, as anyone who studies the Gospels searchingly will conclude, Jesus' teachings were based upon timeless reality. They pertained to what he called the kingdom of heaven. And that kingdom, as his words and works repeatedly imply, means the spiritual reality of being. It is not a place. It is the consciousness of God as infinite and all embracing Life. It is the realization that this infinite Life is perfect Love.

Many people keep their religion trimmed down so much to their personal needs that they cannot feel or prove the immensity of Love. The student of Christian Science, for example, may pray so earnestly for the answer to some need of his own that he forgets the need to enlarge his love for God. In the light of Jesus' teachings, though, he sees that instead of trying to make God's truth fit his personal desires, he should open his thought to the greatness of God's will. Jesus put the Christly approach to God into the simple but challenging words of the prayer he taught his disciples: "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."1

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