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Hate Must Yield to Love

From the December 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our Way shower, Christ Jesus, masterfully brought love to bear upon every situation, including his tomb experience. His love, reflecting Love, God, did not give way; therefore hate in its multiple variations had to yield. This is the method of humanity's emergence from the binding tomb of mortal beliefs. There is no other pure and effective modus operandi.

The basic problem of mankind—hatred —has already been explored and handled successfully by the Master. Our acceptance of his pure, spiritual method, and the putting of it into practice in our lives, have unquestionable effectiveness. It will even ultimate in world peace when enough individuals attain heaven right here where heaven actually is; but the life that is Love has to be admitted, proven, and lived.

In everyday life how often one hears: "I just hate to get up in the morning. I hate to shop. I hate to balance my bank account. I hate to iron. I hate to go to work," and on and on, covering nearly every duty in which mankind is involved. Harmless, some might say. But is it? Taking the opposite side of the argument and letting love become increasingly manifest in all the activities of living can lift the load from the shoulders of many, can bring light unquenchable.

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